Take your business to the next level with our features


Boost Focus with

Boost Focus with

Boost Focus with

better Telegram client

better Telegram client

new Telegram client

Transform your Telegram workflow with ulu.
Experience a Superhuman-inspired inbox, command menu,
workspaces, folder automations, and master hotkeys.

Transform your Telegram workflow with ulu.
Experience a Superhuman-inspired inbox, command menu,
workspaces, folder automations, and master hotkeys.

Transform your Telegram workflow with ulu.
Experience a Superhuman-inspired inbox, command menu, workspaces, folder automations, and master hotkeys.

Efficiency Unleashed

Suite of amazing productivity-first features

Boost your software development team's productivity with ulu. A powerful suite designed for efficient communication and chat management.


less distraction


faster search


more time for work

Better, Faster, Stronger. Quick Access Sidebar

Quick and easy access to your pinned chats and folders. Go try them now!

Superhuman-like Inbox

Fly through your inbox twice as fast as before

AI Text Improvers

Enhance your grammar or
writing with just two touches.


Command line for quick navigation

Do anything you want with the command line.


Keep personal life and different projects separate.

Built for your keyboard

Speed up your chats with quick keyboard
shortcuts for every action.

Better, Faster, Stronger. Quick Access Sidebar

Quick and easy access to your pinned chats and folders. Go try them now!

Superhuman-like Inbox

Fly through your inbox twice as fast as before.

AI Text Improvers

Enhance your grammar or
writing with just two touches.


Command line for quick navigation

Do anything you want with the command line.


Keep personal life and different projects separate.

Better, Faster, Stronger. Quick Access Sidebar

Quick and easy access to your pinned chats and folders. Go try them now!

Superhuman-like Inbox

Fly through your inbox
twice as fast as before

AI Text Improvers

Enhance your grammar
or writing with easy


Command line for quick navigation

Do anything you want with the command line.


Keep personal life and different
projects separate.


Our Delighted Clients

We are not done yet, check these out.

  • Love the 'ulu' for the Inbox feature and command menu. I've already forgotten about the mouse.



  • The Workspaces and Inbox features in 'ulu' are game-changers. Once you start using them, you won't be able to go back to the original client after just one day.



  • Before 'ulu', I would often lose messages from colleges or in newly created groups. However, now with Inbox and folder automations, I never lose chats.



  • The command menu and inbox have changed my life. I now have more time to focus on my work and can easily navigate to any person in Telegram.



Frequently Asked Questions

Curious Minds Want to Know: Your Queries Answered

Will using the 'ulu' Telegram client affect or modify my existing Telegram client in any way?

Absolutely not. Our 'ulu' client is designed to work independently without altering or affecting your primary Telegram client. User permission is paramount to us, and any changes or interactions with your main Telegram client will only occur if explicitly authorized by you. Moreover, we prioritize safety and transparency in our development process. 'ulu' is an open-source project, allowing anyone to review our code to ensure its integrity and security. Your trust and the safety of your data are our top concerns.

What are ulu’s most valuable features?

What platforms do 'ulu' support?